Representing the interests of Irish writers
The Irish Writers Union is the main advocacy body for Irish writers and it is open to Irish writers and writers of Irish interest publications, wherever they are based.
The Irish Writers Union is the main advocacy body for Irish writers and it is open to Irish writers and writers of Irish interest publications, wherever they are based.
The union was founded in 1986 by authors wishing to organise as writers to resist censorship in Ireland and in general to provide a voice for the collective expression of writers on matters pertaining to their profession. The union is managed by a steering committee which is elected annually at the AGM.
Aontas Scríbhneoirí Éireann
The Irish Writers Union offers a model contract for guidance to members and assists in disputes if one should arise
Aontas Scríbhneoirí Éireann
The Irish Writers Union represents the interests of Irish writers, whether they were born in Ireland or elsewhere.
Authors under fire as book bans spread silence
The Irish Writers Union represents the interests of Irish writers, whether they were born in Ireland or elsewhere.