Representing the interests of Irish writers

Statement by Irish Writers Union on the Attack on Salman Rushdie

The Irish Writers Union wishes Salman Rushdie a speedy and full recovery. We are
heartened by the latest news reporting that he is making good progress in hospital and that his
health improves with each passing day. We are further encouraged to learn that his spirits are
undimmed in the aftermath of the horrific attack on him on Friday.

The attack on Salman Rushdie is an assault on all of us. It is a specific attack on writing,
writers and the writing community. Like all artists we must be free to write and speak our
minds. Around the world, free expression is under attack in many places. We take this
opportunity to offer our solidarity and support to all who face censorship – be it directly at
the hands of the state or from intolerance within society at large.

We stand with Salman Rushdie.
Kevin Doyle